The ILO and IOM under the banner of the SAMM Project is launching a Media Competition on Labour Migration in the Southern African region, funded by the European Union. The aim is to recognize exemplary journalists and media practitioners who have been, or are, contributing to the media landscape by covering any of the ten SAMM labour migration thematic areas[1] in SADC Countries, while ensuring that hate speech, discrimination, racism and xenophobia are combated, and strengthening social cohesion and solidarity toward migrant workers and their families.
How to enter
Complete the online entry form ( ) and submit your piece in the following formats: written press, photo essay, multimedia, podcast, video or radio. A submission in any language is welcome. However, an English, French or Portuguese translation must be included. Students are allowed to submit a published or unpublished media piece.
Key dates
15 March 2024 (23:59, SAST): Deadline for submissions, via the online entry form .
End April 2024: Competition winners will be announced.
Two Types of Awards and Four Prizes
Professional Awards: 3 Prizes
Professional Awards: Journalists and Media Professionals;
Three prizes will be awarded to Journalist/Media Professionals on a published media piece on the topic of labour migration:
A cash prize of $1,200 USD – The Winner
A cash prize of 1000 USD -Runner Up
A cash prize of 800 USD – Second runner up
Student Award : 1 Prize
Student Awards; students who are currently enrolled in a journalism school
One prize will be awarded to a published or unpublished media piece.
A cash prize of $500 USD will be assigned to the winner