The International Organization for Migration (IOM) hosted Capacity Development Workshop on migration data management from 24th April
– 26th April 2023 in Seychelles. The purpose of this workshop was to contribute to enhancing the capacities of statistical and migration officials to improve migration data management systems in accordance with international and regional instruments within the broader context of the Objective 1 of the GCM and SDGs and the specific context of the Southern Africa Migration Management (SAMM) project.
The EU-funded SAMM project recognizes the need to strengthen regional and national capacities for data collection, production of reliable migration statistics, and coordinated information-sharing mechanisms in order to improve the availability of and harmonization of migration data in the region.
The workshop contributed directly into the SAMM projects aim of strengthening the technical capacity of the National Statistical Officials and other relevant stakeholders. This was achieved by giving the participants the sufficient level of understanding and empowerment to begin and further capture, store and manage harmonized cross-border data on mixed migration flows in Seychelles.
As a direct consequence of the workshop the participating authorities engaged and agreed to support the development of a mechanism and
standardized procedures to collect and process migration-relevant data as well as the analysis and dissemination of such data.