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SADC’s Labour Migration Policy Framework and its Labour Migration Action Plan (2020-2025)

Progress has been made in fostering improved labour migration governance, notably at the SADC level with the adoption of SADC’s Labour Migration Policy Framework.  In this context, the Ministers of Employment of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) adopted a new SADC Labour Migration Action Plan (LMAP) for the period 2020-2025 during their meeting in March 2020. The LMAP has three inter-related strategic objectives as follows:

  1. Strategic Objective 1: To strengthen labour migration policies and regulatory systems for better labour migration governance.
  2. Strategic Objective 2: To protect migrant workers’ rights and improve advocacy and awareness of their contribution to development and regional integration.
  3. Strategic Objective 3: To enhance participation of migrant workers in socio-economic development processes in both receiving and sending countries

One of SAMM’s key project priorities is to support the realisation of SADC’s Labour Migration Action Plan adopted through Ministerial approval.  Indeed, the SAMM project intends to contribute to its objectives as a central and essential area of its work, particularly to areas such as improvement of social security portability for migrant workers, skills recognition, fair recruitment of migrant workers and improvement of labour migration statistics as well as supporting the MSs to develop labour migration policies, Bilateral Labour Agreements amongst others.



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SADC’s Labour Migration Action Plan (2020-2025)

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